

Prof. Sabine Flitsch graduated from University of Münster in Germany in 1982 with a first class Diploma in Chemistry. She received a Michael Wills scholarship to study for a D. Phil at the University of Oxford under the supervision of Sir Jack E. Baldwin. She then took up a DAAD Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to work with Professor H. Gobind Khorana until 1988 before returning to Oxford to take up a lectureship in Organic Chemistry for 6 years.

After joining the University of Edinburgh in 1995, Prof. Sabine Flitsch was awarded the Zeneca Research Award in 1996 and the Glaxo Wellcome Award for Innovative Chemistry in 1997. She was also a BBSRC Research Development Fellow 2001-2004. Prof. Sabine Flitsch was awarded the Wolfson Merit Award by the Royal Society (2007-2012) and RSC Interdisciplinary Prize 2014 for her significant contributions in biological chemistry, in particular carbohydrate chemistry and glycobiology.

In October 2004 Prof. Sabine Flitsch moved to a Chair in Chemical Biology at the University of Manchester in the Department of Chemistry.

Prof. M. Carmen Galan received her B.S. degree in chemistry from Universidad de Alicante, Spain. She was awarded a Socrates-Erasmus grant to pursue an MPhil in Pure and Applied Chemistry at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, under the supervision of Prof. P.J. Hall and Dr. L.E.A. Berlouis. Prof. M. Carmen Galan received her Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center at The University of Georgia, USA, under the supervision of Prof. Geert-Jan Boons, where she carried out research in the field of carbohydrates. She then moved to California to pursue post-doctoral research with Prof. Chi-Huey Wong at The Scripps Research Institute. After that, she continued her post-doctoral training at Massachussetts Institute of Technology with Prof. Sarah O’Connor.

Prof. M. Carmen Galan returned to the UK in October 2006 on a lecturership in the School of Chemistry. In 2008 she became a Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin fellow, from 2012-2017 she held a five-year EPSRC Career Acceleration Fellowship and a an ERC consolidator award (2015-2020). She currently holds the position of Professor in the School of Chemistry of the University of Bristol.